We always say that FLAVA has a lot of style, but we don't just want to say it, we also want to show it.

Surely you are wondering what we mean ... We'll tell you!

Last Wednesday, September 15, the renowned fashion designer Jorge Vázquez (@jorgevazquezestudio) celebrated the 20th anniversary of the birth of his fashion brand at the always elegant Ritz Mandarin, in Madrid.

Mandarin Oriental Ritz Madrid

So much style could not walk through those corridors without going hand in hand with FLAVA so we decided to support and celebrate with Jorge, offering our drinks to all the guests of the event.

Among the people who attended the event were personalities such as: Margarita Vargas (@margaravs), Eugenia Martínez de Irujo (@eugeniamartinezdeirujo), Marta Hazas (@martahazas), and Mar Flores (@marflores_mar) who enjoyed the parade and Jorge's incredible work, while drinking a FLAVA. Don't worry, as FLAVA looks and tastes like water, no one felt bad about drinking at brunch.

Mar Flores

As it was such a special occasion, we did not want to be selfish and enjoy it alone, so as part of the “FLAVA Ambassadors” program we invited three special guests from the FLAVA community who are very in tune with fashion. Yle Lolla (@ylelolla), Celia Somoza (@celiasomoza) and Cecilia Camacho (@cecilecollage) personify what FLAVA is, a balance between style, fitness and social life. Thank you very much for joining us! We really enjoyed the parade with you.


Yla Lolla y Celia Somoza

But not everything was fashion, we also had a lot of fun thanks to an activity we did. Each attendee received a napkin with a special request with the objective of breaking the ice with the guests. Do you want to know how we did it? We will soon post a video with the best scenes of the "challenge". Even Jorge himself was part of it! 

FLAVA Hard Seltzer Challenge

Finally, after so much modeling, the FLAVA team was inspired and we decided to put our modeling talents to the test with the social media trend “that's your model face”. If you want to know who on the team is the best model then go to our profile here.

This event is the first (we hope of many) in which FLAVA participates as the preferred drink consumed by the great fashion personalities of this country.

Haven't tried FLAVA yet? Place your order in use the promo code: #FLAVAfashion and receive a 10% promotion.

What are you waiting for? Try the most stylish drink in Spain!



FLAVERO SENSEI was born in Barcelona in 2021.
After trying his luck in the "New York Times" and receiving no response, he decided to follow up on the daily lives of the FLAVA entrepreneurs to document the step by step of this perfect combination of nationalities.

His goal is to teach the world that if these four drinkers, sorry, dreamers, can change the world of drinking, you can do great things too. 

I will continue to keep my name and image anonymous until the "New York Times" comes to recruit me.
In the meantime, follow me on my networks for more content @ flava.drink

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